Violet Throne
Legacy of the Aset Ka


The Violet Throne is an intricate tool of personal evolution, internal initiation and profound liberation. Composed by distinct methodically crafted occult grimoires that establish an elaborate foundation of Asetian wisdom, this transcendent tome that unifies words, art and magick, is a talisman for advanced practitioners and a gateway between worlds. The secrets wielded by the alchemy that emerges from these pages of mystery and concealed power hold fundamental keys to rekindle the forgotten flame of centuries, seemingly lost throughout history and time but here boldly unleashed with the devastating forces of energy, symbol and soul, revealed upon the altar of eternal fire burning in primordial violet light.
Plunging deeply into forbidden knowledge, the most elusive dark arts and an understanding that breaks all chains and conquers every obstacle, this adversarial culture is an instrument of courage and unrelenting honesty that few are able to embrace. These scholars of the unseen and seekers of timeless wisdom are misfits and misunderstood among a rotten society long in decay, adamantly rising above the surrounding slaves of prejudice and those perpetually blinded by the limitations of futility. Through a silence that defies death and an awareness that transcends mortality, they are the swords of fate and the falling darkness that reveal a genuine tune of everlastingness.

“This is our emblem of truth. It is a song of immortality and a hymn of defiance, conquer and strength sung by silent warriors but also a definitive banner of victory. The Violet Throne is not a book — it is a legacy.”

International author Luis Marques, a leading master of Asetian spirituality, is an expert in metaphysics, the Ancient Egyptian tradition and the secrets of initiation within the Order of Aset Ka. His last decade of teachings in the scholarly fields of psychology and magick are remarkably unique, established by the committed development and courageous unveiling of a grand tapestry that exposes an ancient culture and profound philosophy built on knowledge, symbolism and arcane truth, ultimately culminating in the signature insight and enlightened understanding that defines his undying legacy.

Luis Marques on Twitter

Meet the Author.

“The essence of Aset cannot accurately be described by words or explained in books. Her legacy surpasses the limited understanding of spirituality, magick and power — the Aset Ka is that legacy. The spiritual significance and universal keys of the Asetians represent infinitely more than a book, cannot be found in buildings or objects and ultimately transcend beyond the mundane idea of an occult Order. They manifest silently within, emerging from a timeless veil of mysteries that remain elegantly safeguarded within the initiatory secrets of the Aset Ka, profoundly concealed for millennia behind intricate doors that unlock only for those who are worthy.”

Asetian Bible



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