

The mysteries of vampirism present a real but often misunderstood layer of the Asetian nature. The Asetians were described by the ancient mystics as primordial vampires, the first-born of a timeless immortal kin. Tracing their roots and ancestral genesis throughout the centuries to a lost empire that predates the pharaonic dynasties of Ancient Egypt, a time of legend and magick, the Asetians were given life by the essence of Aset and Her breath of creation, being capable of touching deeply into the psyche and soul of humanity. Inhuman both in mind and spirit the reality of these beings transcends that of mundane understanding and surpasses any simple definition, being unrestricted from the terminologies of society and representing infinitely more than what the word vampire can convey.

“While vampires are indeed predatory beings, not only with the ability but also the mastery to respond with lasting damage and even lethal power, it is not entirely accurate to believe that the majority would attack and harm for no well-founded reason. Higher power is achieved through discipline and inner mastery, which can only be unveiled under the light of responsibility, balance and awareness. Asetians are not mindless destroyers or creatures of evil, although they will bring pain and suffering if that is a lesson that may open doors to a higher understanding. They initiate through fire and silence, using magick old as time itself, and that is something that only few are able to survive.”

Asetian Bible

In the subject of vampirism it is crucial to segregate occult reality and its scholarly fields of study from fantasy or the cultural misappropriation and role-play disseminated by modern subcultures that do not represent, in any way, a serious approach to this branch of spirituality as explored within the Aset Ka. To mingle the ignorance found in popular culture with the wisdom of occult societies unveils an obvious path of misunderstanding.
Real vampires are not defined by the elements found in fiction, mythology and lore; they are not cursed, broken or demonic parasites. Vampirism in its multilayered complexity is ultimately bound to a definitive condition of the soul. In terms of spirituality such notion can be described as an inhuman soul within a human body; an immortal spirit in a mortal shell. Vampirism is oftentimes tied to the infamous arts of draining vital force, the energy of the living known as Ka in Ancient Egyptian. However, the ability to draw energy from others is not enough to describe a living vampire, as those techniques and practices sometimes erroneously tied exclusively to vampirism can be practiced by anyone with knowledge of advanced metaphysics. Any human with proper training can summon subtle forces, interact with the elements and manipulate energy, draining it for personal empowerment — that does not make them vampires but simply humans practicing the arts of vampirism.
A common misconception sometimes perpetuated by popular ignorance or those less knowledgable of the nature of vampirism and its associated gnosis is to describe vampires through a broken energy system. Theories of wounded souls, metaphysical handicaps and inefficient subtle bodies are possible under the study of subtle anatomy but in no way they describe or relate with the nature of a vampire. Such conditions are experienced by people with subtle ailments or even medical disorders, not empowered creatures of energy. Vampires are not broken, diseased or limited; they are evolved spirits of oneness and completeness, mastering the subtle arts of magick, perpetually seeking wisdom and igniting their latent abilities that can be enhanced with the blood of life: the vibrational essence of vital force. Asetians should never be confused with humans bearing a damaged Self or a broken energy system as they are precisely the opposite.

“Surrounded by folklore and misunderstanding the common knowledge about vampirism is driven from myth, lore and culture. Although the most exhaustively studied mythologies of the vampire have their origins in Europe, particularly relevant in Romanian and Slavic cultures where they were seen as undead monsters, legends of vampires can be found in nearly every moment of history from ancient times to modern days, being present in most cultures around the world. Through fear and desire, in hatred and worship, vampires have been ever present since humanity was able to draw and write about the mysteries surrounding them, from the tales of the ghostly Vetalas in India found in old Sanskrit literature to the Lilû vampiric demons, an Akkadian concept found in the mysteries of Babylonia and Sumerian literature. Better known in modern scholarship is the female incarnation of those ancient demons named Lilitu, later adopted by Jewish demonology as Lilith. Being explored as an archetype of darkness and vampirism within modern ritualistic traditions of the left hand path, she is sometimes erroneously described as the mother of vampires — a misconception and consequence of modern fiction.
However, the oldest accounts of vampirism can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, not only found in the symbolism of temples and descriptions in papyrus but visible among the established tales of Bast and Sekhmet or even more evident in the earlier funerary texts where such concepts get increasingly darker and of a cryptic nature. Inspired and influenced by the presence of the Asetians and their culture, the true origins of vampirism flourished to this day but still hold their secretive mysteries tied to the land where those legends began.”

Asetian Bible

When studying the obscure practices of vampirism, both in the fields of metaphysics and spirituality, a recurrent theme entwined with the predatory nature of this tradition is that of vampiric feeding — the mastered draining of vital force. Also shrouded in confusion and frequent misunderstanding, it can be found in popular culture as an attempt to categorize and label vampires according to variants of feeding and their related techniques. The adopted terminologies are varied, with prevalent descriptions such as the psychic vampire based on metaphysical draining and energy mastery, the sanguinarian that feasts on the blood of the living and, even more recently, concepts such as the hybrid appeared attempting to describe vampires that feed on energy and blood.
All of these descriptions are fictitious and ultimately flawed as vampires cannot be categorized by feeding practices or restricted to such techniques, holding no acceptance or credibility in the scholarly circles that dedicate to such study. To limit the incredibly convoluted nature of a vampire to such an elemental aspect would be nonsensical, raising the misguided notion that those are valid vampire types. A real vampire is not confined to a single technique or approach to feeding; being capable of draining vital force through different methods and practices such as touch, blood, sexuality or subtly through energy manipulation. The adopted methods of feeding are tied to different variables such as subtle metabolism but they are also a reflection of personal preference. What a vampire genuinely craves is Ka, the raw energy that manifests the essence of life, whether released by augmented emotion, a drop of blood, an echo of physical contact, the projection of psychological dominion or the release of an intense orgasm.
However, no vampire can be described based on abilities or practices as those are limitative, incomplete and bound to inner will. More than just predators of life and death the Asetians are beings of intense spirituality, passionate learning, a noble sense of loyalty and a paramount understanding of the foundations of the universe. Their nature manifests in the realm of endless possibility and to limit that understanding to such smaller aspects would be an exercise of a lesser mind.

“Wielders of an existence unknown to many and misunderstood by most, the Asetians are often described by human culture as vampires, a word coined by the common people to represent their predatory instincts and a sign on the limited understanding of their nature. They are the first-born of the immortal kin, detached from society and the mundane, the mysterious Asetians are studied as the primordial vampires and their blood is believed to be both sacred and a curse. Alluring and terrifying. Attractive and repelling. Loved but feared. They live in a world that does not know of their existence but yet remembers them in dreams and desires, sometimes long lost emotions from an ancient past. A human society that does not care for the values of honor and loyalty that represent the very core of Asetian culture.”

Asetian Bible




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